HIV treatment advocate dies after turning to Revival
In 2014, the ABC reported on Helen Samilo, an HIV-positive woman who had “fallen prey to the revivalist message.”
So you can make your own choice!
Revival Centres Church was previously called Revival Centres Australia and Revival Centres International. It was founded in Melbourne in 1958 by Lloyd Longfield and Noel Hollins. The current leader is Simon Longfield.
Revival Centres Church is a cult that exercises tight control over members’ beliefs and forbids contact with other churches.
In 2014, the ABC reported on Helen Samilo, an HIV-positive woman who had “fallen prey to the revivalist message.”
In 1999, Revival Centres dramatically abandoned this longstanding belief, yet splinter groups still push the unscientific teaching.
There are dramatic real-world implications of the British-Israel teachings, and the theory rests on premises which are utterly unsound.
An examination of tongues as the ultimate sign – warts and all.
An old Revival pamphlet gets everything wrong. The lack of scholarship doesn’t reassure.
It’s easy to push a point of view by selective quotation of evidence to an uncritical audience.
Like all aberrant bible-based groups, they only use scriptures which support their beliefs, wrest verses out of context, and ignore or explain away any which are contrary.
Have you ever noticed this strange statement at the bottom of the Revival ‘We Believe’ list?
Various theories, one more far fetched than the other, have been adduced, on the flimsiest of evidence, to identify different peoples with the ten lost tribes.
God’s Witness in Stone? The truth is that the Pyramid was nothing more or less than a pagan tomb for Khufu.
Even in the Bible, speaking in tongues is not a solely Christian phenomenon.
Virtually no one else teaches that you must speak in tongues to be saved, and the teaching has no historical precedent
Is it “repent, be baptised, and receive the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues”?
There is no historical or scriptural reason for equating the British peoples with the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.
I was 100% sure that this was the gospel message, but I was shown scriptures that challenged my understanding of salvation.